Date - 11/21/2020
Time -
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Saturday, November 21st Starting at 8 AM Pacific to 12 PM Pacific. 4 Hours – In the LIVE, Interactive Virtual Summit, our expert speakers will cover the following topics:
- BALANCE AND STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE HEALTH . This will go over the immune response in detail, what organs are involved in keeping us healthy, our immune defense system, our immune fortress, protective barriers, concerns that make us vulnerable such as lifestyle, sleep, antibiotic use, challenging viruses COVID 19, flu etc., learn how to build your immune defense by creating healthy lifestyle patterns.
- DIGESTIVE HEALTH DILEMMAS. This will cover a basic understanding of digestive health. This includes anatomy and physiology of the digestive system in detail, associated problems that can occur, pH balance in the microbiome, imbalances of the microbiome such as leaky gut, parasites, constipation, malabsorption to name a few. We will finish with a discussion on tools for the stool.
- BALANCING THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM THROUGH THE MICROBIOME. This will go over how interconnected the respiratory system is to the gut. Basic anatomy and physiology function of this interconnectedness. Common respiratory conditions, food allergies and their effects. Ways to prevent reoccurring seasonal respiratory issues, rebuilding the respiratory system through the microbiome. This will include handy tips, immune-boosting foods, important supplements and aromatherapy methods that will be discussed.
- SURVIVAL GUIDE: THE HOLIDAY EATING FRENZY ALSO KNOWS HOW TO SURVIVE THE HOLIDAY EATING FRENZY. This guide will include and discuss how to skilfully navigate and stay healthy by making better food choices during the holidays (the average weight gain is 5-10 lbs), tips on recipes, managing emotional eating during stressful holiday times, making better choices at holiday parties and dinners, portion distortion, consequences of nibbling, supplements to the rescue to help you through the holidays and what to do to reset yourself after New Year’s.