Date - 12/09/2021 - 12/10/2021
Time -
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Powered by Delta 8 Magazine and CBD Health & Wellness Magazine, our driving force is education and we’ve been doing it for eleven years, when the CEO of MACE Media Group, Celeste Miranda, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Our education panels are unmatched, connecting physicians, scientists, industry experts, researchers, and thought leaders. Coming up will be our 25th stop on the CBD Expo TOUR where we bring the magazines alive in our conferences, connecting store owners and other professionals with the trending products they are looking for. Our exclusive Industry Buyers Club is highly vetted and personal invitations are sent to attend our events. These are the people you want your product to be in front of.
Our conferences are boutique and rooted in quality. Our goal isn’t for you to scan as many badges as you can. Our goal is for you to make that life-changing deal or connection. We tune our event to high-caliber exhibitors that “get it” and provide them with data and continued promotion AFTER the event. We are partners for our exhibitors and providers for our attendees. Sales are done on our floor. Samples are given freely.
luis zamudio
Indianapolis Marriott East
7202 East 21st St, Indianapolis, IN 46219
Indianapolis, Indiana United States