Date - 02/05/2021
Time -
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Join us for a very important webinar to discuss the newly launched white paper collaboration between NCIA and The Arcview Group, “Building New Foundations in the Cannabis Industry” to learn more about creating gender parity through ownership, leadership, boards, pay equality, branding, and capital.
This special edition 90-minute workshop will feature the authors of the white papers and an opportunity for audience members to join an interactive 30-minute “virtual after party” directly following the panel to discuss the topic that most interests you.
All webinar registrants will be given access to download the rolling release of these white papers.
Sign up for a 30-minute virtual after party to have an interactive discussion and dig deeper with the panelists. Please select the after party break out room that you would like to join. Please note that this will be a separate login link from the webinar.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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