Date - 10/20/2017 - 10/26/2017
Time -
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Help build the first permitted hempcrete structure in Denver! Be a part of this historic build and learn everything you’ll need to know about how to build with hemp! Hemp construction is one of the best building materials around. It is an insulative, water-proof material that is also resistant against mold, fire and water damage. The hemp hurd, lime and water make up the hempcrete mix and replace the need for other insulation, drywall or paint. Come see why this building material is catching the eye of so many environmentally-conscious and green-building professionals. Left Hand Hemp will provide 6 days of education, organic meals and fun! This experience to learn and build with Earth’s greatest building material, Hemp!
Alli Cloyd
Homeowner's Backyard
2515 N. Poplar Blvd.
Denver, Colorado United States